Small Business Resources

Ontario Event, Market & Festival Directory
A curated directory of Ontario events, markets, festivals and pop-ups that you may like to showcase your small businesses goods, services and wares at.

The ONSBC Blog
Running a business of any size is a undertaking and there is lots to talk about! In the ONSBC Blog we discuss a variety of topics. From which websites are best for your small business, to small business owner mental health, to marketing help and education. This is a place where we talk about it in detail. There are a lot of topics to cover in small business and we are going to cover them one blog at a time.

Getting Started:
How To Start A Small Business
The first steps of your small business can seem daunting. We are here to help. From choosing a website to registering your business. Setting up your socials to finding your first events and customers. Then everything in between. Our Getting Started: How To Start A Small Business guide is here to help!

Business To Business
You cant do it all. You may need some help. Here you will find a directory of businesses that can help you with your business. From A-Z this list has it all. Need a shipper? Need shipping supplies? Looking for signage? Looking for a work space? Need a website? Whatever it is. If you need the another business to help you run yours. Its here.

Money Matters
Looking for some help in the finances department. Well there are grants for small businesses like you. We know that finding those government and organizational supports can be hard and time consuming. Find our directly of small business grants, bursaries and government funding available for small businesses.